
More information, resources, and answers to frequently asked questions about NordicTrack ski machines can be found below. Find answers to common questions and links to helpful items like NordicTrack owner’s manuals.

NordicTrack Pro Skier FAQ

NordicTrack Pro Skier FAQ

NordicTrack Resources and Frequently Asked Questions

Check the frequently asked questions below to find answers to common questions about NordicTrack ski machines.


NordicTrack Skier Information

Learn more about skiers and the company that makes them.

What is the NordicTrack customer service number?

For machines purchased directly from NordicTrack, use the best NordicTrack phone number below for a NordicTrack warranty claim or other NordicTrack service repair concerns.

NordicTrack customer service phone

  • Call NordicTrack customer service at +1 (800) 862-3348
  • Available MON – FRI from 6:00 am – 6:00 pm MST

NordicTrack sales support

  • Call NordicTrack sales support at +1 (888) 308-9616
  • Available MON – FRI from 6:00 am – 9:00 pm MST
  • Available and SAT from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm MST
  • NordicTrack customer service chat is also available MON – SAT from 6:00 am – 11:00 pm MST
NordicTrack customer service phone numbers

NordicTrack customer service phone numbers


Are NordicTrack manuals online? provides a link to the NordicTrack manual download of the current Nordic Track Pro owners manual. Other websites offer NordicTrack user manual downloads for manuals older models of ski machines (some may also be available for purchase).

Visit the “Maintenance” page for more information about NordicTrack ski machine maintenance.


Are manuals for NordicTrack electronic monitors online?

The current version of the NordicTrack Classic Pro manual includes a brief overview of the features of the electronic console (see photo below).

NordicTrack Classic Pro Console Operation Instructions

NordicTrack Classic Pro Console Operation

It can be more challenging to find manuals for older NordicTrack electronics, but a search for specific model numbers can often find what you are looking for on auction sites like eBay and eBid.


Purchasing NordicTrack Ski Machines

Find more information about purchasing a NordicTrack for your home.


Where can new NordicTrack skiers be purchased?

New NordicTrack Classic Pro ski machines can be purchased from Update 2023: the product is “OUT OF STOCK” online, with a customer service agent confirming that the Classic Pro Skier “is not coming back”.

Purchase a new NordicTrack Pro ski machine

Purchase a new NordicTrack Pro ski machine


Where can used NordicTrack skiers be purchased?

There are a number of places to find used NordicTracks.

Since the machines can be heavy and expensive to ship, it can be advantageous to find a machine that can be picked up locally. Look at local online listings on Facebook, Craigslist, and eBay. Machines are often found at thrift stores and yard sales as well.

If you cannot find a used NordicTrack locally, check with online retailers like Amazon, eBay, and eBid for a wide selection of many different NordicTrack ski machines and models.


Using NordicTrack Ski Machines

Learn more below about how to use NordicTrack ski machines or visit the “Tips” page.


How much space is needed to operate a NordicTrack?

Due to the motion of the wooden skis, NordicTrack ski machines require more front and rear clearance when they are being operated versus when they are not being used. Be sure to clear enough space for your skier for its safe operation, and make sure that no pets or small children are nearby when the machine is being used.

NordicTrack Skier Dimensions for Classic Pro Ski Machine

NordicTrack Skier Dimensions for Classic Pro Ski Machine


Are there instructional videos available?

There are a lot of fun NordicTrack skier videos available on YouTube and other online video sites. Find videos on everything from learning the NordicTrack skiing motion to performing routine maintenance.


What is the weight limit for the NordicTrack Classic Pro?

The current production of NordicTrack Classic Pro ski machines has a weight limit of 250 pounds. No information is published regarding the minimum or maximum height for using the NordicTrack skiers.

Other NordicTrack skier models are made of different materials and have different specifications — cheaper models will hold less weight, while the higher-quality models may be more stable.


How quiet are the NordicTrack ski machines?

NordicTrack ski machines do not have a motor, so they are generally quieter than other motorized fitness equipment like treadmills. The whirring flywheel, moving wooden skis, and the spinning arm exerciser do produce some sound when in use, so expect to turn up the music or movies in order to hear them when working out.


How much assembly is required?

New machines will arrive mostly assembled. These quick steps will get it ready for the first use in almost no time:

  • Attach the front frame and adjust to the desired front elevation level
  • Unfold the unit
  • Attach the electronics unit
  • Adjust to desired resistance levels and begin to workout
Adjust NordicTrack Elevation on Classic Pro Skier

Adjust NordicTrack Elevation on Classic Pro Skier



How many resistance settings does the NordicTrack have?

There are a few different ways to adjust the resistance on a NordicTrack Pro.

  • Leg resistance is adjusted by sliding a lever up and down a scale with numbered resistance levels (while the numbers do indicate a relative resistance level, it is possible to stop in between the numbers / at any point on the scale)
  • Arm resistance is adjusted with a dial to the user’s preference (or the machine can be used without the upper body resistance if desired)
  • Front elevation has 6 different levels to choose from


NordicTrack Repairs and Maintenance

Learn how and when to perform NordicTrack maintenance and spend less down the road on potential repairs!


Where can maintenance supplies for a NordicTrack skier be purchased?

NordicTrack ski machines can be maintained with items that are available online and at most local hardware stores. Check the “Maintenance” page for more information about waxing NordicTrack skis, oiling select wheels, and more!


Are replacement parts available for purchase?

Yes! There are a few retailers who specialize in selling NordicTrack Pro Skier parts. These companies and owners are knowledgeable and passionate about NordicTrack exercise equipment and will be more than happy to assist you in finding the right NordicTrack skier parts for your machine.

NordicTrack Parts Classic Pro Ski Machine

NordicTrack Classic Pro Skier Parts Diagram

NordicTrack also makes this easier by including exploded diagrams of the Classic Pro in the user manual. This helps to simplify the process of getting new NordicTrack replacement parts.


Can I purchase a new electronic monitor?

Yes, there are third-party vendors online who sell many styles of electronic monitors that are compatible with NordicTrack ski machines!


More Information About NordicTrack 

Enjoy learning more about Nordic track ski machines with these related topics and articles.


Vintage NordicTrack Advertisements

In the early 1990s, the fitness craze was everywhere, and NordicTrack was right in the center. Long-form print ads and TV infomercials proclaimed the benefits of aerobic exercise and brought cross-country skiing to millions of people worldwide!


Magazine Print Ad

This ad originally appeared in 1993 and asked readers to request a free brochure on NordicTrack ski machines (contact information has been removed below).

NordicTrack Vintage Advertisement Popular Science 1993

NordicTrack Vintage Advertisement Popular Science 1993


NordicTrack Television Commercial

This 2-minute ad from 1991 encouraged people to get off of the couch for 20 minutes, 3 times a week, at home with NordicTrack!

NordicTrack History and News

These links help to paint a picture of where NordicTrack got its start and how it got to where it is today.



What is your favorite thing about the NordicTrack ski machines?


  1. Thomas Trumbour

    can you send me the dimensions of the skis please

  2. Carolyn

    I just inherited a NordicTrack Sequoia & I’m so excited about it! But it didn’t have a manual. I’ve been searching for one, without much luck. Until I found your website. And now I have the manual! Thank you so much for providing this wonderful service on your website!

    1. Alyce (Post author)

      Awesome! I’m so glad to hear that you found what you were looking for!!

  3. Barb Enders

    The cord on my used commercial unit just broke. I know that I had replaced the cord once before but I can’t find the directions. Does anyone have the directions to replace the hand cords?

  4. Byron H

    Hi, I recently bought a used NordicTrack Classic Pro Skier and the Model number and serial number tag is missing. The monitor is a nearly square rectangular shape with Personal Performance Monitor printed in white letters above the LCD screen. On the left edge it says in white “Weight• ” and below it Resist•” and “Program•”. There is a red dome shaped plastic controller below it arrows at the 12, 3, 6, and 9 o’clock positions. The back of the monitor has a recessed connection port with 5 connector pins. I do not have the cable for this connector. There is also a female DIN connector port that says SPEED next to it. Presumably this is connected with a cable to a similar female Din receptacle on the upright below the handle bar. I currently have found no replacement cables for the 5 pin connector

  5. Jim

    My ski keeps giving way, free slipping ( no resistance) in stride no matter what resistance on the left side only is there any thing I can do to fix this?

    1. Barb Enders

      I had one a long time ago that did this. The clutch bearing is what was gone.

      1. Alyce (Post author)

        Thanks for sharing, Barb!

  6. Keith Barnes

    Hi Alyce

    I have a NordicTrack Classic Pro purchased brand new seven years ago , which I use for a 45 minute workout every other day. It has been working just fine until the last couple of weeks when my right foot has started slipping out of the foot harness. I am wondering if one or more parts may be wearing out and need replacing. Any ideas you may have on why this is occurring would be greatly appreciated.



    1. Alyce (Post author)

      Hi Keith, sometimes the skis can get sticky if they have residue on the bottom. Try cleaning the bottom of the ski with mineral spirits and see if that helps!

  7. Amy Araki

    Hi! The wire coming down out of the upright tube has been snipped through (I have a Nordic Track Pr0) early 1990’s model. Any ideas for repair or where I could get a replacement? Thanks.

    1. Alyce (Post author)

      Hi Amy, A couple of online stores sell parts for NordicTrack ski machines and should be able to walk you through how to fix your machine. Good luck!

  8. John Wollum

    I need a part for my Nordic Track Pro. It is the bracket that holds the “pillow” pad to the pole on the
    front of the machine. I was going to try to get it welded but metal seems to soft to weld.

    1. Alyce (Post author)

      There are a couple of places online that should be able to sell you the part that you need. Hopefully, it’s a quick and easy fix!

  9. Isabel Robichaud

    I have a 1995 Achiever model. When I start to ski it works great but the flywheel part starts shaking after 3-4 slide and increase as I pick up speed. It’s too noisy and shaking in the middle part to safely use. The spring seems ok. Any ideas of what could cause that. I could send you a video of what I am talking about it’s hard to explain.

    1. Alyce (Post author)

      Hi Isabel, I’m not sure what could be causing your issue. If you have already tried the recommended NordicTrack maintenance for your model, then you may find that replacing the flywheel and resistance adjuster dial mechanism will help to solve your problem. Good luck!

  10. Cherie

    I bought a used NordicTrack easy ski machine but it didn’t have a user’s manual. I need to know what maintenance I may need to do, as the skis aren’t moving smoothly. I’d love to find a manual or just good advice. Thank you.

    1. Alyce (Post author)

      Hi Cherie, Please refer to the list above on this page to find your skier model – if you have a different model then it may be helpful to look at the “models” page and pick a manual for the machine that looks most like yours.

      The standard maintenance information is on the “maintenance” page, but sometimes older machines may need a tune-up or to have wearable parts replaced. Try the standard maintenance routine and see how much of a difference that will make. If it still feels like it needs some help, then you can look at which parts may need to be replaced. Good luck!

  11. Leahrae

    My dad has a Nordic Track at his house that needs a little TLC.  So the listing of the manuals was great!  I am going to print his out and see what is needed so it can work properly again.  He doesn’t use it anymore, but I plan too.  Maybe I can get him motivated to start moving again.

    1. Alyce (Post author)

      Hi Leahrae, The NordicTrack machines were built to last, so hopefully you’ll be able to get up and running quickly. I’d recommend that you start with the basic maintenance and see how it feels – that is often all that is required to get a ski machine feeling new again. Good luck!

  12. Dale

    I have a NordicTrack Pro. Had the batteries in the Personal Performance Monitor leak. Got it cleaned up and working again, but there is a plug in the middle of the battery compartment with 3 positions – C, R, CS. The plug adjusts which 4 wire posts on the board are connected together.

    Not sure what position it was in originally. Any idea what each position is for?

    1. Dale

      I typed the wrong positions. Should be S, R, CS. I also think I figured it out. S – stair, R – row, CS – cross country ski.

  13. Cynthia

    What a complete and valuable source of information on the Nordic Trac!  I want to buy one and I came across this when I was searching.  I appreciate the suggestion to buy it locally as opposed to paying for it to be shipped.  I would have never considered this!  Since these locally purchased machines are likely to be used, it’s nice to have the resources you’ve posted here in case it comes without paperwork.  Thank you for posting!

    1. Alyce (Post author)

      Hi Cynthia, NordicTrack is currently offering free shipping on their new machines too — just something to be aware of in case you’d prefer to have a new machine sent to you without shipping charges. 🙂 

  14. Sean

    Thank you for sharing this helpful information. I am ready to buy a NordicTrack cross-country skier and just did a search for “ebay nordictrack ski machine” and there were more choices than I expected. I’m still trying to figure out where buy NordicTrack, but I’d love to get started soon so I hope to find something that I can pick up locally. Thanks again for the helpful info. I expect I’ll be back for maintenance tips after I find a machine!

    1. Alyce (Post author)

      Hi Sean, I’m happy that you found some helpful information. There are definitely a lot of great used NordicTracks out there, and I hope you find the perfect one for yourself soon!

  15. Maureen

    This has been helpful as I thought I was looking for a NordicTrack warranty phone number – even though my machine is over 10 years old and past the warranty period – just in case the customer service could help me with a question. Instead, the diagram and the user manual helped me find parts NordicTrack ski machine that should replace pins that got lost in our recent move. Thank you so much!!!

    1. Alyce (Post author)

      Hi Maureen, I’m so happy to hear that you found the parts that you need to get your NordicTrack back up and running! Best of luck to you in your new home!!


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