The NordicTrack Pro Skier is a great machine right out of the box, but a few customizations can dramatically enhance the workout experience. Consider these accessories to make your NordicTrack cross-country skiing workout more enjoyable.

NordicTrack Skier Accessories and Upgrades
NordicTrack Ski Machine Upgrades
These quick and easy additions to your routine make every workout more pleasant!
Clip-On Phone or Tablet Holder
Enjoy endless motivational and entertainment opportunities by mounting your personal tablet (or phone) directly to your NordicTrack. Choose a pumping playlist for your workout or enjoy a virtual cross-country ski session by watching a video online.
Clip-On Portable Fan
Keep a nice breeze in the perfect spot with a battery-operated clip-on fan.
Tower Fan
When a clip-on fan isn’t going to add enough of a breeze, add one of these highly-rated whole room/tower fans for extra comfort anytime.
Clip-On Water Bottle Holder
Keep a bottle of water handy with a clip-on bottle holder. The clip’s angle can be adjusted to work with many different styles of gear and exercise equipment.
Portable Wireless Speaker
This highly-rated and well-loved (over 27,000 reviews!) speaker from Bose has a strap that will secure it to your machine and also includes a built-in microphone so that you can use it to take calls! Available in multiple colors.
NordicTrack Handle Grips
Since you have direct contact with the grips while working out, consider upgrading the hand grips from the standard version that came with the machine. My personal favorites are the “cross country” version — the attached straps allow for a looser grip during workouts!
Custom NordicTrack Hip Pad
When you really need the extra motivation, and a sporty look is just your thing, order a custom NordicTrack ski machine hip pad for your favorite piece of workout equipment.
NordicTrack Acrylic Drink & Tablet Holder
This custom-fitted acrylic drink and tablet holder takes advantage of the machine’s design to keep reading material, remote controls, and bottled water right where it’s needed. These custom-fitted holders can be found online at and eBay.

Acrylic Drink and Tablet Holder for NordicTrack Pro Skier
Fitness Accessories For NordicTrack Workouts
These fitness accessories perfectly complement NordicTrack workouts to make sure that the energy invested is worth the effort. These are also great fitness accessories that can be used for lots of other great workouts as well!
Microfiber Sport Towels
Win the battle against sweat and moisture with a lightweight yet absorbent microfiber sport towel.
Cooling Towels
For the grueling workouts where you need extra help to stay cool, try a highly-rated cooling towel for an instant welcome chill.
Heart Rate Monitors
The other essential addition to your workout should include a heart rate monitor. Many forms of heart monitors are available, but for an accurate, continuous reading, consider a model with a chest strap. The models have come a long way since we first carried them in stores and now can include Bluetooth, GPS, app connectivity, and more! Available from Polar and Amazon.
NordicTrack Ski Machine Exercise Mat
Although most people will not find it necessary to protect their flooring from the machine, this may be a nice addition if you have thick carpeting or want to protect your floors from sweat during a heavy workout.
Virtual Walks on Video
These videos of scenic walks or bicycling can mentally transport you to various exotic locations like the forest, lavender fields, France, Greece, and more. Enjoy this great addition to your workouts!
Athletic Shoes
Make sure to wear good quality shoes during workouts to avoid discomfort or injuries. Athletic shoes are generally good for 300 – 500 miles (depending on body weight, workout style, and workout surfaces).
I have personally found running shoes to provide nice flexibility in the toe area, perfect for the motion on the NordicTrack Pro Skier. I have found that cross-trainers (or anything with a stiff toe area) are not ideal for the lower-body skiing motion. YMMV.
Women’s Running Shoes
Men’s Running Shoes
What other modifications have you made to your NordicTrack ski cross-country machine to make it uniquely yours? Do you have other favorite fitness products that can make working out more fun?

NordicTrack Skier Accessories and Upgrades
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I have a Medalist skier and the workout computer does not work. Is there any apps that could be used with the Nordic Track skiers?
Ok, so I have an excel and after I installed a monitor/computer it wasn’t working either. So, after replacing the computers batteries with new Duracells if u follow the cable that ends at the flywheel under your skier u should find a metal clip that has a single screw that is screwed into the wood. I took it off and used WD40 to get the corrosion off. Screw back in. And everything works like new. Steve
I just acquired a second NordicTrack Pro skier. This one dates back to the 1980s because it has the mechanical speedometer/odometer that connects to the flywheel with a cable. The skier works fine but the speedometer/odometer doesn’t move when using the NordicTrack, although the knob to reset it works fine. Any ideas on troubleshooting this?
I love the idea of a cooling towel after a heavy workout. I haven’t seen these before but I see they are so simple to use. All you do is soak, wring out and use. And what a great gift idea. I see they are 13.99 each at the moment, so I am going to get a few for the Christmas Stockings this year.
Hi Michel! The cooling towels are surprisingly effective too! I first used one on a July fishing trip in the Florida keys – it was about as hot as it gets there and the cooling towels still made a noticeable impact. Great idea for stocking stuffers!
For a long time I was wondering how I can safely secure my smartphone to the Nordic Track. I saw your suggestion for the motorcycle phone mount but it looks like that is designed for round handlebars. Where on my Nordic Track (I have an Achiever) can I mount it exactly? The only rounded bars are the handlebars and the arm unit has a square profile.
Hi romrom, Even though it’s a circular clamp for a square-shaped pole, it should still clamp onto the machine. I have a different setup for my NordicTrack (I use the acrylic holder), but I use something similar to the clamp solution above to keep my phone mounted to a microphone stand during concerts.
If you are looking for something with a more square clamp, there are options like this:
Personally, I find the smaller (circular) clamps to be easier to use and more secure!
Also, keep in mind that those Amazon products currently offer free returns so that if you don’t like the fit you will be able to return it. Good luck!
Thank you for sharing the review and all these amazing accessories! I love the clip on bottle holder, that one can come in handy. The cooling towel and also the microfiber towel are a good item to have as well. I am going to need a new pair of running shoes as well. Thanks for having everything ready for me! Will check them out on your link!
Hi Nuttanee, It’s great that all of those picks are versatile enough to use with lots of different types of exercise and activities. Enjoy!
I had a Nordic track pro skier back in the early 2000’s, unfortunately it got broken in transit when I moved. The company paid for a replacement which is still going strong today. They are well worth the money because they seem to go on forever if you maintain them properly. Just don’t drop it off of a lorry.
Hi Lisa, The NordicTracks are definitely some sturdy machines, but I’d imagine that it’s hard for anything to survive a fall off of the back of a truck! I’m happy to hear that your movers paid for a replacement!!
I had the Achiever in the mid-90s when I was active duty military. I wish I had the same machine now. The only real options are to buy a refurbished model online, or buy a used one and recondition it yourself. The quality of the current Classic Pro is far below the American-made ones, and I guess that’s why people pay a lot of money for the original quality skiers.
Hi Bob, It was certainly nice back in the day to have a wide range of NordicTrack skier models to choose from.
While used NordicTrack machines have done a good job of holding their value, most of the ones that I have seen for sale are still selling for less money than a new Classic Pro. Of course, your mileage may vary.
Hi! I’m looking for the drink/tablet holder for my skier. Do you have any available? Thanks!
Hi Terrie, There is currently an acrylic book and cup holder listed on ebay that should fit the NordicTrack Pro model skier.
Hi Alyce,
20+ years ago I had a Nordic track skier that I used during the winter for exercise. At the time I lived in New England. Riding a bicycle outdoors was not very conducive to Jan/Feb. 20 degree weather. I relocated down South I now am able to ride my bicycle almost year round outdoors.
In addition to the several accessories that you listed, (and I loved the exercise machine mat and drink holder) having been to the site recently I am amazed at how technically advanced some of Nordic track’s equipment has become. Also it cost a lot of $$$$ as well.
Thank you for providing some insight on several of the company’s accessories. At least the prices for the mat and drink holder were quite reasonable.
Hi Jeff, What an interesting story! In the Southeast (where I live), the Nordic Track Pro ski machine was mostly used during summer (or rain), as it was too hot and humid to get a great workout in the extreme heat!! It’s great that the heat isn’t an issue for your workouts now that you are in the South.
I have upgraded my Pro Skier with the drink & tablet holder and new hand grips. For maintenance, I use the 3-in-1 oil for anything that starts to stick, and keep a decent coat of paraffin wax on the sides of the skis. Fortunately with this basic maintenance, it’s been so durable that my original machine from the 90’s is still going strong!
Thanks for visiting!
Regards, Alyce